KOZ (Knights of the zodiac)
KOZ (Knights of the zodiac)
Administrateurs : Libra, shura_jr
 KOZ (Knights of the zodiac)  CARTES  TECHNIQUES CARDS 


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Chevalier d'acier
86 messages postés
   Posté le 24-08-2004 à 11:05:30   Voir le profil de shura_jr (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à shura_jr   

Voici la suite d'une question posée a Eric par une vieille connaissance Libra (Pas notre admin préféré) :


Once time ago you said this :
Game text of Knight applies for that Knight on the Field of battle at that time. Game text doesn not apply if that Knight is not in battle unless otherwise stated

So what about POZ and technic card ? does their effect apply only on the field where there are played ?
( for exemple if we use an another dimension defense's game text, can we move knights from the realm of knight ? )

Card Master:

Unfortunately, Bandai is unable to support KoZ outside of the US.


Technique cards may only be used during battle on a Field. POZ may be used as Technique cards (if they have the phase Battle on it) or outside of Battle if designated. What is the exact text of Another Dimension's defense effect?


The game text of the another dimension is :

"you may move one of your opponent knight card and one of your knight card to the gemini palace."

So questions are :

1 ) Can i move only 1 knight ? ( either an attacker one or a defender one ) or does i absolutly need to move both one of opponent and one of mine knight card ?

2 ) Does I need to move a knight from the field where the another dimension card ( if it is played on another field than the gemini palace ) is played or can i choose to move it/them from outside the field the card is played, to the gemini palace ? So what about if the card is played on the gemini palace ? Can i take knight cards from outside the gemini palace ?

3 ) Does techniques cards played by moved knights follow them, or are they lost on the field where knights were previously ?

4 ) If I play the another dimension on a field A, can I take knights cards from a Field B or even from the realm of knight to the gemini palace ( field C ) ?

Thank you.

Message édité le 26-08-2004 à 09:37:47 par shura_jr
saint nikus
23 messages postés
   Posté le 23-09-2004 à 20:35:42   Voir le profil de nikus (Offline)   Répondre à ce message   Envoyer un message privé à nikus   

ouhla cette carte souleve pas mal de questions.

hum hum...
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 KOZ (Knights of the zodiac)  CARTES  TECHNIQUES CARDS  [Q] ANOTHER DIMENSIONNouveau sujet   Répondre
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